Thursday, 22 September 2016

How To Prepare Statutory Declaration For Australian Partner Visa

If you are planning to lodge an Australian partner visa application based on your a de-facto relationship eligibility with an Australian citizen, then all you needs to provide is a statutory declaration as part of your application. Let’s take a look on some of the effective advices that will help in preparing a statutory declaration conveniently.  

Objective View 

One needs to keep in mind that the statutory declaration should be prepared in an objective way. Completely avoid long statements, Australian Visa Application make sure that one should remember that statements should be very subject and relevant. In simple words we can say that relevancy of information is the key for writing acceptable Australian Visa Application.

Good English

This is one of the very basic requirements for creating a good statutory declaration is good writing English. Any sort of grammar errors or mistake in writing English has leads to rejection. One can take help from an individual who is good in written English so that language is proper and also there is no room for rejection. 


All the fact that are mentioned in the statement should have evidence for proper support. Evidence can give more weight age to the statement making it look more realistic. Officials issuing Australian Partner Visa look for valid evidences for making final decision. Australian Partner Visa  One very important thing that one needs to consider is the fact that evidence should be genuine because in case of any fraud suspected in the process things become more and more complicated. 

Experts always recommend that such kind of critical situations one should always take assistance from experts who have deep knowledge about the different factors that need due consideration. Professional advisors ensure that all the things fall in to place without any inconvenience, so the time required for the process completion also reduces drastically.