Monday 24 July 2017

Specialist Visa Advice For Your Migration Application

If you are looking for the Australian migration specialist that can assist you better for the migration with great experience in helping people to move Australia from Thailand, then this guide might help you a lot. Visa Services In Australia can deliver you migration services to you or family for the varieties of purposes. If you want to marry a Thai woman, then you can bring your Thai partner to Australia with marriage visa application.

You can get better assistance in terms of:
  • Taking your Thai partner in Australia to live.
  •  Including the one-year Australian working visa
  •  For starting a business in Australia.
  • Working visa for a qualified professional
  •  Bringing your family members/Thai girlfriend
  •  Study visa at any college/university in Australia
  •  If you are coming to Australia just for holidays

Thai marriage visa application requires:

  •  The partner needs to be legally married to a Thai national.
  •  Don’t have any criminal history & capable of traveling to Thailand.
  •   Also, meet the financial conditions like:
  •   A security deposit of around 400K THB in any bank account of Thailand for the   minimum of  2 months just prior to the application for a visa. or
  •  You should have a monthly salary of at least 40K THB with the letter from foreigner embassy that can verify your income.

Some of the vital benefits of Thai marriage visa

You will get important benefits with Australian visa services to further process the marriage visa for the citizens of Australia. The Australian Migration Lawyers can provide you the following benefits:
  •  Your multiple-entry to the Thailand for traveling.
  •  It will valid for your use up to the period of one calendar year.
  •  However, this visa can be renewed for every single year but can be only inside Thailand.
  • You will get the optimum permission to open a bank account of savings in Thailand.